Shadow-Coustic® Acoustical Pads
Guaranteed to Provide Maximum Acoustical Performance
MBI original Shadow-Coustic® Acoustical Pads are guaranteed to provide maximum acoustical performance. They are available encapsulated in any color PVC or they can simply be faced when optimal sanitary conditions are not necessary. Shadow-Coustic Pads are intended for use with perforated metal ceilings, wood ceilings, or linear paraline ceilings. All MBI Shadow-Coustic Pads are fire rated Class A per ASTM E-84 25/50.
Thicknesses, densities, and color finishes are limitless. We will manufacture Shadow-Coustic Pads in any way to meet your specific design needs. Our Pads are compression packaged which reduces freight, job site storage, and labor requirements.
Let Shadow-Coustic Pads be the cost-effective, hassle-free solution to your next project.
Ideal For:
Metal Ceilings
Linear Ceilings
Open Plan Offices
Wood Ceilings
Recording Studios
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Pads Catalog
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Let Shadow-Coustic Pads be the cost-effective, hassle-free solution to your next perforated metal ceiling projects such as airports, healthcare, industrial, commercial and institutional buildings.
1”, 2”, 3”, 4” thickness
1#, 1.5#, 1.65#, 2#, 3#, 6# Density
Custom sizes up to 4’ x 4’
For use above metal, linear, open office ceiling, etc
Class “A” per ASTM E-84
We believe this information is the best currently available on the subject. It is subject to revision as additional knowledge and experience are gained. MBI makes no guarantee of results and assumes no obligation or liability whatsoever in connection with the use of this information.